Sunday, October 24, 2010

Prelude To A Scream - Episode 16

Episode 16 of Prelude To A Scream features "But Once A Year" written by Mark Leslie and originally published in Crossroads magazine #13 in 1995.

"But Once A Year" is a dark humour tale about an old man whose best friend returns in the wee hours of All Hallows Day, not to reveal the mystical wonders of the afterlife, but to bum a cigarette and perhaps a beer off of his old friend.

This podcast contains the full story as well as Mark discussing the inspiration behind the creation of the tale as well as a bit about the writing and submission process (specifically, about the importance of doing market research when submitting a story, and trying to match the right story with the right editor/market)


Download MP3 by right-clicking here.


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